Wedding traditions of Slavs Russian traditions

This book looks at nearly 100 such Russian words and offers paths to their understanding and translation by way of examples from literature and everyday life. Difficult to translate words and concepts are introduced with dictionary definitions, then elucidated with citations from literature, speech and prose, helping the student of Russian comprehend the word/concept in context. In addition to registering and choosing a date, couples can also utilize several services provided by the ZAGS department, including booking a string orchestra or planning a photo-shoot for the big day. Once you’ve received and legalized your CNI form, you should arrange for the marriage to take place (usually 1-3 months in the future) at the Registry Office in your local district. The Russian Federation actively supports young families to reduce the number of divorces. There is a special program in Russia that supports construction of housing for young couples and provides favorable terms for home loans.

Today, that village, Gretna Green, is still popular for couples who want to elope. On their Wedding Day, the bride and groom attach a padlock, engraved with their names and wedding date, to a bridge or “the Padlock Tree” a… … Because hundreds of years ago, women were considered chattel and the bride’s family used to have to pay off the groom’s family in the form of a dowry to take their daughters off their hands. Tradition dictates that the groom’s family pays for the full cost of the rehearsal dinner, even though the bride’s family and friends attend the event as well.

  • The other guests count, and the longer you kiss, the stronger your marriage will be.
  • In Romania, before the wedding, guests work together to playfully “abduct” the bride, whisking her away to an undisclosed location and demanding a “ransom” from the groom.
  • Often, the matchmakers were hired by the parents of the groom, but sometimes the relatives of the groom acted as such.
  • Unfortunately for him, this wasn’t a simple process – another wedding tradition was the ‘ransom’ of the bride.
  • … Because hundreds of years ago, women were considered chattel and the bride’s family used to have to pay off the groom’s family in the form of a dowry to take their daughters off their hands.

With a nod to the demands of the night before, day two of a Russian wedding usually starts in the late afternoon or early evening. Then, after the meal, the bride fulfills another Russian tradition by cleaning the floor. The remainder of the night one is filled with exuberant dancing, plus another unique Russian tradition of “kidnapping.” The friends of the groom take advantage of the chaos on the dance floor by making away with the bride. They then demand that the hapless groom pay a ransom for her recovery. Sister Mary Eloise Johannes describes some German Russian marriage customs, including parental consent and the mode of inviting guests to the wedding, as well as the ceremony itself. This is a serious defect, and the sooner it is remedied the better. It is with an object similar to theirs that I have undertaken my researches in the vast field of Slavonic law and custom.

This statement is directly confirmed by that of another medieval author, the unknown biographer of St. Adalbert. This writer ascribes the animosity of the Bohemian people towards the saint to the fact of his strong opposition to the shameful promiscuity which in his time prevailed in Bohemia. It is confirmed, also, by the monk of the Russian Abbey of Eleasar, known by the name of Pamphil, who lived in the sixteenth century.

Surnames and name-taking after marriage

The night before the wedding, an Italian groom may traditionally throw a surprise party outside his bride-to-be’s window. “La serenata” begins with the groom, backed by musicians, serenading his fiancée.

After their parents presented the couple with an icon, the couple partook of salt and bread. Each bowed seven times, then shook hands and agreed to uphold the agreement made on that day. At this time, the woman’s fiancé offered her a ring set with a precious stone.

The question whether marriage as an institution should be abolished is now being debated all over Russia with a violence and depth of passion unknown since the turbulent early days of the Revolution. Last October a bill eliminating distinctions between registered and unregistered marriages and giving the unmarried consort the status and property rights of the legal wife was introduced in the Tzik, or Central Executive Committee. So much unforeseen opposition to the proposed law developed that the Tzik decided to postpone its final adoption until the next session, meanwhile initiating a broad popular discussion of the project. It must be the best celebration in the new life of all brides and grooms.

They often lay flowers at the war memorial and visit monuments or famous buildings in their town. If you have drunk with Russians before, you’ll know that a ‘toast’ can be a couple of well-wishing sentences, or a lengthy and hilarious anecdote – so it’s always fun to hear what the guests have to say. In Russia, this is called a «медовый месяц», which translates as ‘honey month’.

Both in the villages and in the cities the problem of the unmarried mother has become very acute and provides a severe and annoying test of Communist theories. In the early stages of the Revolution the Communists held the theory that children should be reared and cared for by the State. But it soon became evident that the State, especially in war-torn and impoverished Russia, was financially quite incapable of assuming such a heavy burden of responsibility. Although politeness dictates that anyone from day one is invited, usually only close friends and family members join this more intimate day of celebration. For example, let’s say the bride lives on the top floor of a continue reading tall apartment complex.

Wedding receptions were usually held at home, and couples were given coupons to obtain special delicacies for their reception. Alternatively, receptions could be held in state-owned restaurants which served varying cuisines from the republics of the USSR or the socialist countries of Eastern Europe. Often a friend was the master of ceremonies at the reception, and there was plenty of dancing, singing, and food.

Russia hosts first royal wedding since revolution as descendant of tsars marries

So if you are looking for Russian brides for marriage, you should expect more than just pretty faces; they have the brain to complement their beauty. Education and self-development are mantras of typical Russian girls, making them more irresistible.

The movements of the girl were closely watched by the matchmakers and the groom who evaluated her physical condition. In the end, the groom was supposed to make the decision whether he liked the girl or not. If he drank a glass of honey brought to him by his potential wife, this indicated that he agreed to marry her. After the couple decided to marry, they need to apply to the registry office with a request to get their marriage registered.

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